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I never understood why people liked or disliked Kristen Stewart — she just looked like a normcore grump, but that’s no reason to dislike her — but then I fell in love with her after her SNL Totinos sketch, and now I am constantly rooting for her:

Those shoes look really uncomfortable, well done her!

I feel sorry for Meghan’s father. Yes, this was a silly and embarrassing thing to do. But nothing on the scale of what her other relatives have done, and I really don’t think he had bad intentions. Now he has his invitation rescinded to his own daughter’s wedding? That’s cold.

Again, point me where I wrote anything about his colour.

It’s relevant because male privilege cannot be divorced from racial privilege. Ronan’s whiteness likely affords him a certain level of access and legitimacy that he wouldn’t have if he were a Latino male reporter doing this story.

What are you writing to me?

Wow. You, uh, you just threw that spoiler right out there didn’t you. The entire crux of the film revolves around that reveal. It is way too soon to give away the movie like that without a spoiler warning. I know you have a bunch of these comments already, but it’s worth repeating. You messed up on this one.

Hey, when you write a review that contains plot twists and spoilers, can you please put that at the top? I don’t expect all reviews to give away the plot, so I was merrily reading along and - ploink - there was a major plot twist reveal. Please spare others the same disappointment and put a spoiler alert up at the

I don’t care about this film so much, but you really should add a spoiler warning for those that do.

I consider myself more of a “Cumberpatch Kid,” honestly

I’m having a much rougher Mother’s Day than I had anticipated. Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and just found out that they’re going to do a hysterectomy in a couple of weeks to remove the cancer. I’m incredibly grateful that I’ll recover from this, but indescribably sad that I will never get to

It’s a lovely thought, having a day dedicated to mothers. But it only makes me feel guilty for not feeling how I should, I suppose, towards my mother. I see everyone getting their mom gifts and making sweet FB posts and I just... Can’t do that with the way things are right now. Not in good conscience. And unless a

Fuuuuck, today is rough. Last summer my dad shot my mother and then himself. This is my first year without her. We were having a rare fight and hadn’t spoken in 5 days and the last text I have from her is “I guess I’m not supposed to have feelings.” All I want to do today is hug her again. Just for one minute. And

-Me, every day when I read the news.

When are they gonna do this for Chris Brown?

The women he’s made into sex slaves thank you. : ) You’re a good person!

I hope they drop Chris Brown next, please please please.

The Blac Chyna link reminds me that I just saw an old episode of KUWTK (it was shortly after Kim was robbed in Paris) in which BC was still pregnant, and I thought about how these peoples lives and disasters are one long semi-fake documentary more sort of cringey than any teen diary of drama.

Also, in the episode I

I don’t think she was trying to hijack anything or suggest the two acts were the same. I suspect she was simply attempting to point out that he has a history of abusive behavior - acts both large and small.

This is really the only one of those Vogue shorts that matters: