
Patton was on a My Favorite Murder podcast and to this question he said “read it during the day, don’t read it at night”. That way if you get to a part that scares you, put it down and do something else to get it out of your mind.

Still, any work in getting Black women out of prison who have been unjustly sentenced is worth having. It’s Trump Time now: I’m taking my wins wherever I can get them.

What a weird thing to comment on this specific article.

Counterpoints: milk in coffee and cereal is the bomb. Plus, almonds do not lactate, so it’s not really milk.

And I think she’s wearing matching blue under-eyeliner? Hats off (on?) to Ms. Union! Have always admired her beauty.

And heeeeere’s another one! Ladies, I think he’s single....

Groping and kissing someone without consent is not flirtation nor is it “making a pass.” Sounds like you’ve done your fair share of sexual assault and battery.

Dude, don’t make passes at your co-workers.

There’s a backlash because men like you are afraid of having to take responsibility for your actions.

You sound like a harasser.

You think the need to treat your colleagues with respect and like peers was invented by #metoo?

Also, if it’s no big deal then Brokaw has nothing in the world to worry about, right? It’s no more of a big deal than him getting drunk at a Christmas party and singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” off key or always carrying a piece of his baby blanket in his pocket when he breaks a big story, right? It seems

Aw, someone on the internet doesn’t think I’m cute. Maybe a present will chamge your mind. Here ya go,

So is this a horror movie? I can’t imagine a worse nightmare than being a woman and hearing the thoughts of men around me

Ah, the old “judge not, that ye not be judged”. Quit projecting, drama queen, maybe seeing Brokaw’s skeletons tumble out have you sweating and wishing for the days before #metoo, but I hope it only ends when every last asshole has been publicly shamed.

Would anyone who thought the two allegations were lies or too minor to be worth reporting since they might,ever-so-slightly,harm the reputation of a great man care to chime in now?

Pshhh. What’s wrong with alcoholic candy?

Since I am not a Cosmo kinda girl, I’d rather this story be about me...in a bar in Berkeley and Amy Schumer buys me a real glass of wine.

Thank you for this. I have a friend who is going through this and I have collecting evidence for her for quite some time, but nothing ever pans out in the end. Hopefully some of these resources might give us better results.

I.... what?