
Having endless resources doesn’t automatically lead to healthy lifestyle decisions — look at all the celebrities who abuse drugs to no end. I wish you a happy 2018 and that your financial burdens get easier!

Wait...Cher is Amanda Seyfried’s grandma here? So...is Cher supposed to be Meryl Streep’s mother?

Their music is so painfully bad!

Miley’s whole new album is a guilty pleasure for me.

I love Jane The Virgin, die-hard fan. But I had this sinking feeling the series was going to go downhill after Michael left and that feeling has been growing with the new season. I may just be biased because I was Team Michael, but I feel like cutting him off made room for storylines that just aren’t that good.

We have literally the same taste in TV.

Most companies where these men work have absolutely been 100% aware of the man’s gross, abusive behavior. This is their generic statement to save face now that they’re being forced to do something about it.

Yikes, LW1. I feel like most people have been there where they get too emotionally involved with someone who clearly doesn’t care and kinda sucks...but disconnect and run for the hills.

I think this is a case for...

Nope. If these stories/examples seem like they’re “in a grey area” to you, you’re either a creep, or at best, just part of the problem.

The line “I swear to God the other presidents are girl-squadding Donald Trump” was the best thing I’ve read in awhile.

I just finished the 1st season and couldn’t believe how hilarious it turned it out to be.

Yes, watch it. It’s hilarious.

This movie is captivating and bone-chilling. I would definitely recommend it to anyone curious.

Perfect gif is perfect!

Maaan, and I’ve just been waiting for the right moment to make some sweet fake rape money :(

You don’t like B in apartment 23?!

I have so much love and respect for Terry Crews for coming out about this. It’s just another story out of millions to prove that sexual abuse isn’t about attraction, women’s bodies, etc but coming from a 240 lb NFL player this is huge. It’s all about sick power and dominance.

Hmm okay. Maybe I’ll stick through and see. And yes, when Sarah Paulson’s character had a breakdown for the 4279th time I was pretty over it.

This is the first season of AHS I’ve tried watching and I just can’t get on board. It’s just not. good. Are the other seasons better?