As someone who’s watched both TBBT and New Girl, those shows are not in the same category at all. New Girl is awkward and witty and hilarious with a great cast (& ZD is the weak link of it).
As someone who’s watched both TBBT and New Girl, those shows are not in the same category at all. New Girl is awkward and witty and hilarious with a great cast (& ZD is the weak link of it).
Yeahhh given his behavior now, who knows what he was doing DURING the date. She might’ve felt so unsafe that she was nervous about sharing a car home with him. This is just speculation, but again doesn’t seem too far fetched from how he’s acting now.
Omg this guy is the next Trump.
My first point: hahahahahahhaha wut boycott ABC gl
This actually lightly surprises me as they’re both so boring I figured they’d disappear into a boring married life, while sponsoring Fittea on the side.
My 13-year-old self crushed on the Sprouse brothers in Suite Life, and my crush came back to life in a very new way watching Cole on Riverdale. He can GET IT.
Jughead > Archie ALWAYS.
Geez this thread has brought out a lot of weirdos lol.
Slightly on topic: about two months ago I sliced the tip of my ring finger right off while cutting potatoes. Much emergency room and pain later, my finger is finally getting close to normal.
Thank you. I understand people’s concerns, but some of the dialogue around the show’s issues makes no sense.
Dude. I’m in that particular time of the month and I think every “Would U” answer of mine would be “yeah, sure.” That makes me feel better about it.
This is what I’ve been thinking. I’ve felt nothing but pure entertainment reading about this whole mess, but I’m not the biggest fan of the “All those spoiled assholes got what they deserved!” comments.
It’s definitely not the same without Michael — Brett Dier is amazing. But the show has still been great and worth watching.
Can you have a series dedicated to a daily Fyre Fest update? This is never not funny.
Oh cool, cuz losing your day job is about the typical sentence given when you murder a child. Justice is served.
In Christ Brown we trust (him to stay a terrible person).
This post just makes me really want to drink some White Girl Rose hayyy and I love it.
I thought the same thing. The auto tuning is baaad.
I agree with you. I grew up in a largely conservative area but had very open, liberal parents, and I’ve seen a lot of people hang up their bigoted views after leaving home and getting educated. Sometimes people grow up.
Lol no