I’m a white guy and I have a strong urge to stab that guy for his fucking haircut.
I’m a white guy and I have a strong urge to stab that guy for his fucking haircut.
The best part about that map is that New Mexico’s highest-paid public employee is a football coach and both of the state’s major universities regularly have bottom-ten football programs.
They have probably seen the training sequence in Bloodsport where Jean-Claude Van Damme “learns” to do a split by being tied to a couple of bamboo trees and forcibly stretched. That’s enough real-world experience, right?
What did Brie Larson do to you? Are you Casey Affleck?
I saw Behavioral Event Interview open for Neutral Milk Hotel in 1997. Great show.
This would be a perfect time to visit your local comic shop without the fear of running into red-pill fedora-lords who want to mansplain Libertarianism to you.
And he’s still a worse writer than Steven King.
There aren’t a lot of them, but they’re around. See this month’s Harper’s cover story.
Serious question: Do you say “in Guam” or “on Guam?”
Generally Americans* do not like to think of themselves as living in a country that can be characterized as a “hornet’s nest.”
I agree with this completely; in almost every context sports are a good way to find some sort of shared space for discussion. I have completely lost interest in the NFL but I keep up on standings and weekly scores so I have something to discuss with the dolts I work with.
trust the tap water or ice anywhere.
At least one Bolt had a good day.
That’s not how language works. Chris Thompson can’t just start using a phrase with a well-established meaning to mean something else and expect readers to follow along. And no amount of wishing on your part will make it so.
All of this is true, but the fact still remains that “the F word” has a well-established meaning and you or I can’t just vote to change that. If this article said “Matt Joyce said the F word” no one reading it would understand that the author was not talking about the word “fuck.”
Sorry, but “F word” already refers to another ubiquitous and well-established swear word.
I say we try for a “shit-ass” revival. It has a certain drunk-uncle-in-the-80s sensibility I really enjoy.
I’m not at all homophobic and I legitimately fear that I’ll do this exact thing some day.
Donald, get back to work. You have a country to run.