
There are some who would argue Meredith WAS president, only she was a he with an affected Texas drawl.

For me, the only thing that beat "Mad Men" is "The Wire".

Don's shares would have been absorbed to the other partners, and when you look at the setup of the partnership, Bert's actions toward Don become clearer, showing Bert was working some machinations of his own. I also have to say that I'm a lot more impressed with Mr. Weiner because we mostly focus on the emotions of

Pete said Ted had 20 percent.

You're right. But Pete also said Ted has 20 percent of the remaining 85. It's inconceivable to me that they all (except Joan and Pete) didn't have equal shares.

You're right. And speaking of "sloppy", I also got Pete's partnership percentage wrong.

At least they didn't kill Kenny Cosgrove.

Roger's going to make Lou work for Peggy, or hit the bricks.

I love how they had her still be sort of nonplussed about hearing from him, answering the phone with a flat typical teenaged daughter of divorce "Hi Daddy", but showing her affection for him by her thinking about his admonition about being cynical.

Don won't do it. But Roger will.

Roger knew if he got Joan, the fight was over. He gave her a million and a half reasons to say "yes".

After making Lou give him a blowjob.

They'll have to either buy him out, or demote his sorry ass, which would be even better — to have him working under Peggy. I could envision the meeting called by Roger with Don sitting next to him, and Peggy and Lou across from them. Roger tells Lou Don has his old job back, Peggy is now the chief of creative and Lou

Didn't Meredith's opening line about being vulnerable sound like something someone said to her to get into her pants, so she tries it out on Don?

He has no choice. It's a misogynist reference to a woman having to choice except to stick with the guy who knocked her up, or be on her own.

I think Harry was either holding out, or was delaying his actual appointment until after his divorce settlement. Either way, it looks like he screwed himself, but they pretty much have to make him a partner, or he could sue for breach of contract, even though the contract was verbal.

My grandmother went to her grave not believing men went to the moon.

Strangely enough, I don't remember. It happened on a Sunday night (and if you don't think NASA had the TV audience it would draw in mind, think again), but I have no recollection of watching the actual event, although I was nine-years old at the time.

Meredith: It's alright, I'm on the pill.
(Pulls out Pez dispenser).

I don't know about that, but getting to the moon was the last great collective endeavor we've achieved as a society. The support of the idea of landing on the moon and safety returning crossed every boundary of our society; the few who objected on grounds of cost or religion were vastly outnumbered. Every benefit from