
I was pleasantly surprised with “Crazy ex Girlfriend,” because the main character is obsessed with “Josh Chan,” a Filipino American with a Chinese surname and phenotype.

I do agree that there is a HUGE problem in the U.S. with pop culture emasculating Asian males and painting them as either losers, asexual nerds, pushovers, dudes who do kung fu and absolutely nothing else and otherwise maligning them. It’s gotten slightly better. But not by much. And yeah, it’s a real issue.

Yeah, but she has a point. As compared to other minorities? Statistically, Asians are doing far better than everyone else, including white people Not to mention the ugly specter of Asian immigrants being pretty racist against African-Americans and Latinos in order to get in good with white people. It’s a little hard

This is very true: Asian women marry out of their race at greater numbers than any other group of women. They actually surpass white women at this, and they mostly marry white dudes.

No kidding. There has got to be away of advocating for, writing for, and centering brown women without falling into this trap.

Interesting. As an Asian American man, I am also tired of seeing East Asian women paired up with white men onscreen, as well as in real life.

Good article, but it seems odd that The Mindy Project was kind of glazed over. It is probably the most popular show written by and staring an Asian woman, and which (usually) has the exact opposite dynamic (most of the men she dates in the show are white). Mindy Kaling’s character on The Office (Kaling was also a

I think I saw this same headline at Stormfront.