
You most likely are.

That was awesome. I like how he was pretty subdued for the first little bit, and then he totally busts out the moves.

I am loving it too!!! I'm not a Christina Ricci fan, but they all work well together. I love Colette.

Theory of a Puddle of Nickelfault!!!! They all sound the same. That's all I had to say. Have a nice day.

Hello! I started a learn to run program this last spring. As a non-athlete, this was quite a feat. My coach 100% encourages walking breaks, and discourages all-out running until you're tired. That's how you get burned out. Here is a basic run-down of what we did:

Hey! My running coach actually said that 21 days makes a habit, and within a month running will be part of your daily schedule! (Only we're not supposed to run ever day. 3-4 days/week)

Congratulations! You are always so thoughtful and caring to other Jezzies, you definitely deserve to be happy. Me time is great!

Maybe he wears a headband.

Your name inspired me to go on youtube and watch that video, I needed that. Makes me cry laughing. Thanks!

I love Dexter so much, but I can't handle the opening credits! Especially when he slices the meat. I always skip it.

She's in The Banger Sisters too! With her mom and Goldie Hawn, hilarious.

Honestly, I think it starts when kids are seven or so and the lady with the puppets comes into the classroom to discuss good and bad touching, and she uses vagina as a very general term for women's genitals. Unless someone paid a lot of attention in senior biology when they go over the reproductive system or actively

I agree with you completely! Unless it's true that she is shopping around for a magazine story, otherwise I think it's kind of classy and mature. And i'm impressed that she is taking control of her life this way.

Yeah, I use the drano sparingly, and only because I figure something that toxic must be able to kill these horrible pests. I didn't think they could live in the fridge, that brings a whole new level of grossness. Thanks!

Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe it is my fruit tray, it is wicker. I think I will toss it. I have one indoor plant, and it is in a precarious state right now, also i'm in Canada... Warm Canada, but it has begun frosting overnight. Maybe i'll put it in my garage. Ok, i'm moving all produce now! Thanks for the nuclear

I just saw that stuff at the grocery store, thanks!

Does anyone have a tried and true trick to get rid of fruit flies? I have tried vinegar and dish soap and i have watered my plants with a drop of dish soap. They are laying eggs on my walls and I see their gross egg carcasses. I am relieved to find out that those little bug carcasses are their eggs, but still, gross.

I second Sed_Quis_Custodiet... I have a french press, and I can't seem to get it to taste like anything other than water that has briefly mingled with coffee grounds. I have used freshly ground beans, boiling water... I've let it steep for varying amounts of time. I look forward to your tricks!

Hello! Congrats on the decision, I think you are going about it the proper way. I have one tattoo, and it's my avatar on here. I got it when I was 19, on my mid-back, not low enough to be a tramp stamp ;)

How is it that I have never before watched The Water Horse? This movie is so awesome. I am only halfway through right now, and i've been warned that it gets sad.