
I agree with everything you said. Just one small thing... his “shit in the sink” is not a straw man fallacy. It’s a reductio ad absurdum fallacy.

There are several articles you can find on the subject of black women wearing head wraps and scarves and putting hair back in different ways and why this is done.

Many women of color like myself keep our hair in ponytails because our hair doesn’t act the same way as your hair. If it rains, my hair turns into a frizzy mess, which undoubtedly would be deemed by people like you to be “unprofessional.”

Assuming that people can just not wear ponytails and our hair would just hair

No, but i also know punitively and retroactively changing the ‘rules’ for one person is a lawsuit. And you kinda missed the whole point of the commenting thing. But well done for participating.

Where did under_electriclite say ponytails and pigtails were an ethnic thing? They were talking about headwraps. Though ponytails are so common among women in general that banning them is, to me, nothing short of gender-based discrimination.

Regardless, it’s within her boss’ rights (if she can set the dress code she must be fairly high in the company, or in HR which is full of crazy people in my experience) to change the dress code whenever she wants.

She’s not and thus it’s not. Furthermore, changing the rules to target one employee is a legal

Nah, the only thing childish here is your continued tantrum over being called out on your stupidity and misgyny. But don’t worry, you’ll never have to cosplay to look like a childish idiot. You play one in real life.

Dress codes are common. So are black people apparently violating them because their hair or how they manage their hair does not conform to those standards, of which the standard is very white.

She knows it’s her neck. She stuck it out in protest of a ridiculous dress code that seems more worried about minor knick-knacks than true professionalism.

Oh Jesus motherfucking Christ, you’re one of THOSE war on Christmas people. Did Starbucks give you an unsatisfactory red cup? Oh no! It must be the liberal agenda taking away your rights!

The smug is strong with you.

You see nothing wrong with banning religious head dress? Let me guess - you’re a Trump supporter, right?

you’re real fun at parties aint you?

Lol @ professionalism.

You seem like a person who lacks empathy, and enjoys the suffering of others.

Unfortunately they can’t fire her for dress code violation. They detailed out the dress code and she’s following it. So unless she’s bad at her job not much of a leg to go on.

She is following the rules. The cosplay outfits she chooses are deliberately within the rules while allowing her to cover her hair.

“despite the unnamed company’s dress code simply stating that employee’s clothing needed to be “clean and pressed”.”

If you read the story, you’ll see that the Dress Code was changed AFTER she was told not to wear the scarf.

Didn’t read the article? The boss changed the dress code after the fact because they didn’t want pony tails or head scarves.