
lmao poor Jan I can’t even get her name right

It’s almost like he’s just a person and not imbued with the spirit of a random god.

Agreed that Blanche is the most underrated of the GG. Rue MacLanahan has a fantastic way with a line. She could turn a toss-off joke into something really funny. One of my favorite line of hers was in the Ladies of the Evening episode where she’s lamenting how critics have always been too hard on “Mr. Burt Reynolds.”

Almost everything Community did that was considered “revolutionary” was done by Golden Girls first. Including the fact that some of their “remember the time...” episodes included flashbacks with all new material. (That’s not to dig on Community just saying that this show was the revolutionary one.) ETA: Except GG

I’ve said this before, but after high school, there should be a mandatory six months of working in food service and a mandatory six months working in retail at a big-box store like Marshall’s (where customers are the worst IMO) or Target. That would solve a whoooole lot of entitlement issues, reduce assholes, increase

There’s a Korean nail salon in my town that doubled as a bordello! And they got caught because a lady going to a hot yoga class across the street looked out the window just at the right time to see her husband going in there! She was suspicious, and hoofed it over there to confront him. She then contacted the police

Some people are putting lead in their eyes, though. It doesn’t mean they’re stupid. It just means that a cultural norm once thought to be healthy isn’t after all.

Or maybe for if you have any interest in cultures outside your own?

Just to broaden your cultural knowledge.

Having light skin is a HUGE deal in India. Anybody who tells you otherwise either has light skin or is in denial.

It came out when I was a freshman in college and I was 99% sure it was speaking DIRECTLY TO MY HEART.

I unabashedly love the Garden State soundtrack, and I will not apologize for that.

Nah, it’s fine. It’s EASY to make fun of, and deserves criticism for the Manic Pixie Dream Girl stuff, but making a big deal out of hating Garden State is almost as lame as loving it and thinking it’s the best movie ever.


There was nothing more disappointing to me than hearing about how “real” and fat-positive and sex-positive and feminist Girls was and getting really excited to watch it and then... actually... watching it...

You know what? I liked Garden State and I kind of loved the soundtrack. You know what else I liked? (500) Days of Summer.

I’m 5’4”. My husband is 6’5”. We bought our bed specifically because it’s exactly his pelvis height. Just saying — shop wisely.


The best thing about Brooklyn Witches is that you just know they’re using locally sourced Newt’s Eye.

It’s generally considered impolite to remove some people’s plates while other people are still eating as it makes it obvious how quickly one guest hoovered their food and/or how much the other person is dawdling over theirs. I actually have no problem with the content of the complaint- servers shouldn’t bus half a