
@undefined: sigh. it becomes a federal issue when marriages are recognized in certain states, but not in others. can you imagine the chaos that would create in the long-run? messy divorces, inheritances, benefit sharing, etc. solely from a practicality standpoint, this will eventually have to become a federal issue.

@undefined: while i don't agree with obama's use of the term at all, i try to keep in mind that we just came off of eight years with an administration that committed unspeakable crimes against its own citizens and the international community at large. if this is the biggest thing about obama thus far that i have to

ugg! chris brown is the most unrepentant, remorseful little prick-y douchebag! i know i live in neverneverland, but i firmly believe only those people who show true remorse should get second chances, and this jerk has been a total a-hole. he's not even bothering to pretend to be sorry. and now people who criticize

it gives me hope that most of the comments on that atrocious spike "article" seem to be in agreement with the jezebel stance.

@YetiM: seriously. was i laboring under the delusion that celebs here in new york got to lead a relatively normal life? i see a new paparazzi photo of her on this site almost every day. she does nothing to court this attention and just seems to be trying to live a quiet life with her daughter. i feel awful for her.

holy crap, are my eyes deceiving me or did they really leave off babs?! i am not a huge fans of hers, but she has arguably THE VOICE of the past 50 years. and i am sorry, while he was/is a revolutionary lyricist, bob dylan is NOT a great singer. wtf is up with this list?

Erica Kane Martin Brent Cudahy Chandler Roy Roy Montgomery Montgomery Chandler Marick Marick Montgomery is rocking the shish out of that outfit. Brava!

@it takes a lot to laugh: actually, that would jesus. he was all up on that community organizer shit, and we can only hope he will get all righteous on palin if she keeps running her mouth.

keep laughing, sarah. just an fyi that i am running an impromptu obama fundraiser. every time you insult community organizers, that's another 5 bucks to obama.

@GOPG8R: umm, have you ever been on this site before? criticizing the looks of anyone is discouraged.

@GOPG8R: this is your dream candidate? and your party says the dems are starstruck with barry. as bart simpson would say, the ironing is delicious.

hey, turns out she is shady enough for mcbush:

is mccain serious? after all this talk of lack of experience and coasting celebrity looks and charm, he picks a one-term governor who is a former miss alaska runner-up? i can't stop laughing.

@thatonegirlsays: i love svetnlana too! i think the announcers mentioned she was in attendance doing commentary for russian television last night. i wish they cut to a shot of her :(

@yopopo: their teammate literally just swam the race of his life. i took their excitement as disbelief and total joy in lezak's accomplishment more than anything else. even the french said lezak pulled off one of the most amazing comebacks in relay history.

@Charlotte Corday: my favorite piece of commentary was at the opening ceremony as malawi walked in the parade of nations - "malawi! oh, that's where madonna adopted her son. okay, moving on..." surely they could come up with something on malawi apart from an aging american pop-star. jeez.

gretchen, i just realized it looks like i was disagreeing with you. i just wanted to dovetail off your comment. sorry!

@Gretchen: i'm sorry, but it is so hard for me to get behind sports that have subjective scoring. not because i don't think these young women are incredible athletes - far from it. they are amazing. it just infuriates me that so much of the judging is NOT based on athletic accomplishment, but on international

my question is why would any women want this douche? come on, sienna! you and your fab hair can do better!

@SisterMaryMartha: i already hate myself for loving her hair. don't make this harder on me than it already is. i can't help it; she gives good hair, along with god knows what else.