
I feel like this needs clarification:
288 GTO bodywork, or Pontiac GTO bodywork?

Taking too long? Heh, the guys at Bad Obsession Motorsports with their near decade long Project Binky scoff at your impatience...

Yeah... My first instinct is to feel sympathy, but then “Street Outlaws” joined the chat. At least he didn’t take out some innocent bystander.


Luckily, those with current reservations for a Lightning will be exempt from the price hikes, but new customers will still have to pay the higher prices.

80K for a fucking XLT. Fuck these people.

My 1992 Dodge Caravan, Old XF and F-Type all have the nozzles on the wipers, so this isn’t a new invention. What does appear to be new and quite nice is the amount of nozzles, which should helped with all that baked on goodness.

22 years ago, something similar happened to my wife. She was fortunate to escape with a couple broken teeth, a bum shoulder and a bum knee. (Woman entered an intersection at 100+ mph and tee-boned a crossing car. No fire, but battery acid sprayed everywhere.)

Fair point.

Grand National looks, with a weak-ass 127hp four-banger.

No. Just… no.

Super cool $8000 car.

The odometer issue gives me some pause. But beyond that, this is like seeing an old Hilux restored to factory condition. It’s a workhorse that you have to keep pampered and coddled in the barn most of the time. Especially if you pay this much for it. ND.

Ok, I see the logic of that. I have the same problem MTB-ing. Trying to just keep up for the first half of the ride, only to be spent and unable to recover for the second half. I still have a hard time with the uber-expensive with the electric motor. But I do understand what you are talking about. 

It’s a class 3 meaning you have to pedal, but it’ll assist up to 28mph. 

There already is a federal bumper height standard (which factory delivered F-150's meet and honda civics are engineered around, read up on their ACE crash framework)

You don’t want this. You think you do, but you don’t.

It’s funny because I hope he fucking dies.

A few years back, I was involved in an accident with three cars and a cyclist. Heavily trafficked two-lane road with a crosswalk (not at an intersection) primarily to let pedestrians cross the road to and from a park. The woman in front of me stopped to let a cyclist cross. I stopped behind her. Another woman behind

For fuck’s sake, what is wrong with you?  She hit another human being with her car and drove off without so much as a second thought, like he was roadkill.