
The crotch cooler

Jalopnik REALLY should have some form of style book for how to talk about foreign car prices in a consistent way, especially when relating them to US cars in USD.

Oh don’t get me wrong, I spread the gospel of the small car to anyone who will listen. My favorite car I owned was a NA Miata and I dream of owning a Beat.

I drive a Fiesta, before that a Del Sol. I know little cars, and would pick one over a crossover, SUV, truck, etc any day. I can brake faster and shorter, I can zip and zag. I can easily maneuver through places most other cars can’t go. Parking is no sweat. Oh, the only spot available is the one with the tree planter

Or the modern Challenger?

I would buy the heck out of that van, Hoser

Suicide doors on luxury sedans. Only.

For this price you can get a Cadillac CTS-V wagon in the same condition that is at least 4 years newer, has 50 more HP, and you can keep running indefinitely for a small fraction of the price of the Benz. Maybe not quite as rare, but CTS-V wagons are still not something you see every day.

My answer too. Fuck this stupid touch screen shit forever.

Just regular 5 spoke rims instead of whatever seizure inducing craziness automakers think new cars (especially EV’s) should have.  New rim designs seem like they’d be a pain to clean too.

Subaru somehow pulls off both a decently high belt line and large windows.

As 89Islander has already mentioned, this question was posted almost exactly a month ago, albeit not phrased as precisely as ‘styling cue’.
I seem to remember opening quarterlights featuring heavily.

The A/C vent under the steering column that shoots right up your shorts.

Swivel Car Seats 

+1 to forest green.  And expand that to colors beyond white, nine shade of gray, and black.

Tailfins and boattails, give me that classic nonsense style. It just has a sense of style that you don’t get these days. Also, I’d like tactile controls in the cabin again, because fuck the touchscreens.

A. Thinner A pillars.
B. Bigger Windows/lower beltline
I want to drive around in a car, not a tank. See current gen taurus and camaro.
C. This is less feature and more color choice. Bring back forest green exteriors. It is the best color by far. I’m tired of the white crossover. (Literally I think I saw 8 different

Saab Night Panel mode! Only vital information illuminated in eye comfortable fighter-jet green.

It also has a clear title and, per an edict from a Mercedes-Benz shop following a recent service, it “needs literally nothing mechanically.”

I am sick of both of them, they both seem to be trash people.