
Guess he'll need to stick to 'Sympathy For The Devil'.

I saw maybe 6 episodes when it originally aired, and that was 5 too many. It just wasn't funny, and the crapfest ending where he learns a lesson from his unseen neighbor was nauseating.


I WIN. What don't you understand?

I win.

I'm better than you. I made a more valid point. All you did was attack me. Go drink another 12-pack loser.

Go drink another 12-pack my friend.

Did you not understand my comment?

It was an idiotic movie. The only thing that makes sense is that the entire film was either a dream or hallucination of Cameron's.

The trifecta of ruin is now in play.

Trump vs. Hillary.

Who ever thought this show would be good?

But then are you obligated to eat the food?