
I don't watch movies for gender, color, religion, or political messaging. Most people don't. Maybe she shouldn't either.

Feel better? Can I get you some more self-righteousness and condescension?

and they all cashed their checks

well, they could have identified as women………. :)


Well, Banks certainly won't be appearing in a Spielberg film.

You are complying, as usual.

Straight to Redbox

The always clickable Beatles list never fails!

You're at a precipice of an enormous crossroads

I miss this show, when it went off the air I was prostate with grief.

Guy was an interior decorator

As opposed to a gay black cop?

This sounds horrible.

You waited for nothing Jon Snow

when all of sudden……………………………………….we waited some more

The wait continues…

Keep waiting…..

Just wait some more….

Just wait….