
Good ol’ trickle down, trickles down to nothing for the amazon warehouse workers.

Post-apocalyptic future is now: Waterworld has begun.

As Dane Cook would say, “Someone just shit on the coats.”

Am I the only one thinking “thumb up his ass” for punishment?

I only just now saw the ad after hearing there was controversy; it’s a beautifully laid out ad with imagery and words in recognition of grace and power. I think Dr. King would have been right with it from the get go. I think it supports many of his arguments for what is right within society and this leads me to wonder

I really need to reconsider giving up riding a motorcycle if this is what the future has waiting for me out on the “High-way.”

What do you buy the person for Christmas who wants an english sports car but cant afford one? A quart of oil so they can pour it on their garage floor and pretend.

“Hang on kids! We’re going to hit a large NRA hat wearing walrus sized speed bump in the road and then we’ll be off to school! No one is going to miss home period on my account, no sir!”

It’s not been a good week for the herbivores or omnivores of the world.

As a passenger, arent taxi’s self driving anyway...

What a moronic thing to do, a castrated cat.

My brothers and I, having grown up in FL on boats and what not, we had access to my parents high powered binoculars. We used them to look for cops waaaay down those long straight roads like A1A. Worked great, just don’t look through the wrong end.

Oh grow up, it’s a historical document. Destroy your past and you can forget your future. Learn from it as an example for the generations to come so they can learn from you.

“No sir, not gonna do it, wouldn’t be prudent.” –GHB

“It’s not mine, it’s yours.”

They killed Victory for this Zombie marquee.

How about we convert some extra shipping containers from the Texas ports into radiation (gamma) sterilization boxes; load it with food, the animal enters, stands there to eat, but leaves sterile. Win!

I just came across this VM product-yet to try it myself but it looks to be worth while on face value/specs. Native, snappy, free...


If you have to, then you have to. Which case this article can help. But for me personally, no thank you, it’s just lipstick on a pig.