
Are you f***ing kiding me with an auto play video? Who the f*** does that anymore?
And on a technology blog, no less.

Snape didn't really kill Dumbledore, the ring killed him.

I agree.
In germany, I don't understand why they can't have 'Sons of the SS'. Or 'Grandchild of Hilter Youth.'

Somehow I was drawn back to this thread.
I call myself a non-theist, I just don't care. I'm going to use your Royal Family analogy in the future. Lots of people put a whole lot of interest in it, but I don't give a fuck.

Agree, I HATE the name. And what I hate about it more than it being a lame erbranding is that it's totally pointless. "xfinity" doesn't mean anything. It's still just Comcast. It's not a different product, or a reinvention of the product. It's the exact, identical thing that it always was. Plus, Comcast still exists!

The fact that it's 2014 and I have to have a cable tv account to get (still shitty) coverage of a major international event is just pathetic.

I'm working in a conf room with 6 other people. I go all day for weeks keeping to myself and making this work.

I thought that was just a picture until it blinked and freaked me the fuck out.

This made me LOL more than anything I've read today. Thank you.

To each their own... I think the Charger's lights look very cool.

The 10% a week rule was disproven in a recent study (sorry, can't find the link). But the gist of it was; increase as much as you feel comfortable with.

How can you leave off the huge rims on old crown vics?

Just bought it.
The convenience of reading it on my iPad (kindle app) is worth the $3. Being that I spend more on a gallon of gas, a cup of coffee and an online movie, the $3 is well worth it.
If the $2 difference is a big deal to you, I apologize, I don't mean to flaunt my affluence for being able to spend that money

Just bought it.
The convenience of reading it on my iPad (kindle app) is worth the $3. Being that I spend more on a

If you're working out so hard that you have trouble using the stairs on Weds from a Monday workout, you're seriously doing something wrong.

I commend you on your editorial restraint and professionalism by limiting this post to only 12. Kudos.

Hey Andrew!

I am genuinely not trying to be rude or condescending, but I think if you didn't like Cabin, it's probably because you didn't 'get' it.

I think you need to develop a stronger will. That, or get better friends.

Did you see the movie??

Agree that it wasn't very good. In fact, after the lead up (both the lead up from the 1st two movies, and all the hype about the third) I don't think I've been that disappointed in a movie in recent memory.