
They said at one point in the episode that Moira had a severe concussion. And although football players will go right back on the line with that, it is actually a serious injury that necessitates bedrest.

Just like the character of batman has gone through several variations (Adam West, 80's 'superhero' batman, 90's 'serious' batman, etc), the Joker has had evolutions as well. He went from being a cartoony villain squirting acid out of a lapel flower, to being a totally over the top psychopath. This might not be the

The 'Bat' was the best part of TDKR. It was also the only thing that wasn't a giant, glaring plot hole.

Yo dawg...

lol'd at that.

OMG! It's not the newest or most awesomest example of something, therefor it has no right to exist! Kill it, kill it with fire!

"Bullying is out of fashion"?

'Nerd' is definitely going mainstream. It used to be that I was slightly weary about wearing my comic book t-shirts in public. Now that they sell them in bulk at Target and Old Navy, everyone and their mother are wearing comic T's.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here...

This makes a lot of sense to me. It'd be really tough for WB to cast a whole new batman and disregard the Nolan movies; after they were so well received and are still pretty fresh in people's minds. Plus, using an established character means they can skip the customary origin movie and just jump right into a real

Didn't they introduce the Romulan villain in the comics before he hit the screen for the last movie? There was a comic TNG tie-in.

I don't know what a "fat bubble" is, but I'm pretty sure it's not burst.

None of these guys are particularly fat. In fact, only the first guy could even be described as pudgy.

Well, that does seem like a lofty goal, but my sarcasm was meant to point out that it'll be a cold day in a fictional place of eternal damnation before anyone's allowed to teach science in a church.

You may teach religion in my classroom when I'm allowed to teach science in your church.

It is the ultimate irony in one of those examples where the book suggests that the reader empirically challenge the notion that fossils are really as old as claimed. But I'm sure later on they never suggest that the reader empirically challenge the idea that god made everything and buried it just to confuse us 2000

I think the joke with Taz is that he's a Tasmanian Devil Angel. So it's supposed to be a play on words.

What was the price of the original pre-order collection? So I have an idea of how much the new set will cost. I'm guess in the range of $200. How close am I?

The piece of info about extending the pendant's range can't automatically be taken as true. It's what she *told* Monroe the device did, but she wasn't building an amplifier. She could have been lying about that.

The heavy use of puppets and practical effects, and judicious use of CG is one of the biggest reasons this movie stands up so well 20 years later. If it was all GC, it'd look like crap to us now!