
His tone was a little rude, but I see the point he was making. The Headline of the article says 21 images, and you list 21 images. It seems like even though the Star Trek image is the lead in, it feels left off the list. Maybe call it "22 Images", or write "here are 21 *more* images...".

Yeah? And Han shot first. And the Force is a mystical power that can't be quantified, and Old Vader shows up at the bonfire... etc.

Not to mention that Purgatory is just a big forest. Meh.

How is that different from any show? Doctors can't watch Grey's Anatomy or (formerly) ER. Cops can't watch any of the 300 cop/procedural shows. Lawyers cringe at law shows where cases are won and lost based on the passion of the closing arguments.

Did anyone get a screen grab of the map with the pendants?

I think it could be fun to go visit the Revolution. Hang out, try not to get shot. It'd be like a real life disney world.

Interesting theory. But then break it down... invent science that lets you travel across the galaxy and explore countless worlds, inhabit other species, and go grocery shopping and walk the dog?!?

Yup, still sounds like the most bland invasion ever.

3 years ago they could have used Google Docs and done the same thing!

I did kinda dig the chrome sports car. Doc Brown would approve.

"what else would they do?"

That's the saddest alien invasion I've ever seen. They come take over our bodies and our world, and then just keep living like regular people? That's ... pathetic.

Because I post one comment about how to use Google Voice, you want to judge me and sentence me to death?

Bitter ex-girlfriend is bitter.

Well, I suppose there's the line between doing it conveniently and doing it the best way. What you're describing would require buying a burner phone - which would work - until someone wonders why you're carrying around 2 phones.

Please, PLEASE, edit your articles once in a while. I started making a list so I could write '#corrections' and help out, then got fed up.

Google Voice.

and he's already signed on to do Avengers 2, which is supposed to come out the same time as SW IIV, so... prob not.

I'd watch the hell out of that!

This is a portrayal of zombies that we've never seen before. An unstoppable mass of the undead, like a plague of locusts, like a force of nature. It looked original and pretty cool.