
I don't feel like they have too many plots going on. Rather, I think that having multiple threads helps keep the show more interesting. Rather than get bogged down with only doing all Mob related stories, or all conspiricy related stories; they're able to do a variety. It helps keep the show fresher. It also helps

If I hadn't read this article earlier, your comment would be the stupidest thing I've read all day. So feel good that a whole mess of racists makes you look less dumb by comparison.

Interesting that the worst 'argument' these people can make against Obama is race-based. No wonder he won.

Between this "article" the Chuck Norris/Nate Silver "article" and the general gizmodo "journalism" in general, I've gone ahead and mapped out your next half dozen articles for you:

I was trying to be factious, that moving your arms in big motions to do something simple like play angry birds would get old in like 5 minutes. But everyone A) took me literally. and B) starting calling me weak. So I suppose it was just lost on the masses.

I'm assuming this is sarcastic, but I'm not sure I understand why it's funny.

WTF does that have to do with anything?

I'm actually a semi-pro triathlete.

My arms are tired just watching that.

For local network coverage, get an antenna. Still cheaper than cable.

CBS streams Big Bang Theory with no commercials. Hulu has 5-7 minutes worth of commercials for everything they show.

Question about Hulu Plus;

Nice, but we'll see what they do with it.

One of the things I disliked the *most* about BSG was the total and complete lack of any humor. There's ways to fit in a joke here and there. Even if it's gallows humor. The show ended up too dreary for my taste, by far.


Re: Revolution,

Can't tell if trolling, or just ironically dumb.

The way you're whining, you sound 15. So just throw a fit and get your mom to buy you a new one.

Depending on the episode and the situation, you might root for one over the other. But one of the bigger arcs is how neither are better than the other. The Centauri are set up to look like bullies at first. But then you slowly pull back the curtain to see that they're just as sad/victims as the Narn.

You're applying your own feelings and impressions to the poster that aren't there.