I think the article points out what one of the main consequences will be, and that's inability to care for the elderly. And in a country where tradition and family obligation mean so much, this is going to be a major weight on them.
I think the article points out what one of the main consequences will be, and that's inability to care for the elderly. And in a country where tradition and family obligation mean so much, this is going to be a major weight on them.
It's not a "fantasy", it's just a thought experiment and maybe a halfway interesting conversation. But thanks for making me feel like a jerk.
I suppose my wording lacked in the initial post, because a few people commented on this. In my scenario, the women have the power (thus, not the submissive type) to choose the men they want. In that scenario, and accounting for different personality preferences, there would still be a percentage of men who have a…
I really disliked the old 30 pin connector. But I actually like the new lightning connector (as much as one can 'like' something trivial like this.)
In HS I dated a girl who was super cute. I finally met her parents, and wow. Her father looked like an old saddle, and her mother looked like Jack Palance. Yet, they had popped out this gorgeous daughter. So, yeah, I agree.
I was actually coming at it from the other side of the coin; that the women will essentially have their choice of men. Probably not in a large scale, but if a woman doesn't want to marry a guy because of whatever deficiency he has, it's not like she's throwing away her chance at marriage. She's the one in the position…
I think you're looking at this from the wrong side; rather, women will essentially have their pick of the men. They can choose, smart, good looking, healthy, etc. The men will essentially have to take whatever they can get (I know it won't really work that way individually, but in the broad scheme, it'll probably play…
Conversely, I wonder if affluent chinese men wouldn't bother with the hassle of finding a chinese wife, and would just look elsewhere.
Here is an interesting long term consequence though;
Then I suppose the follow up question is; why do you even care?
Wouldn't there have been leaks if that were true? At this point, apple's security is about as waterproof as a sieve.
I think $299 makes sense. Any more, and they're pricing themselves out of the small tablet market.
what app do you use to read comics? I'm using Stanza, but it doesn't work great.
Yes, because how DARE people change their mind about something when presented with new data.
Misleading headline is misleading.
Thank you for the info!
Fair point, and something that occurred to me too, but just because I can't think of a good sci-fi reason, doesn't mean the show runners can't.
Who said anything about andriod? Your argument is invalid.
Prediction on what stopped the electricity:
That's a shame, you'd think NYC of all places would be something they'd put the time/effort into getting right. (As opposed to, say, some rural place where they haven't fully researched all the details yet.)