
"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me, maybe?"

Eh, we'll just build a fence. That'll keep 'em out.

I still haven't seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

A Princess Bride Haiku:

I've never said this before, in person or online, but it seems apt to your comment:

I suppose you could infer from my post and subsequent comments that I'm a cynic. That might be true. In another light it could be called a realist.

Not to mention religious cults popping up. And mass suicide cults. And mass murder cults. Ain't nothing like a mass of people in a panic.

I concede that $220 mil is a pretty steep sum to meet. And it's entirely possible that it won't make that back in the domestic (north american) market.

"Oh man, I wish we knew each other..."

What I've seen in the trailer, I disagree with the interpretation of how people would behave as the world was ending.

#2 was bad, 3 was good. 4 was bad... here's hoping it's a trend and 5 could be good.

"Comics are for fun, action, conflict, and at least a little nostalgia. If you want developed, three dimensional characters to sympathize or disagree with, read an actual book"

"I'm calling it now, its going to be a box office flop."

I am constantly thinking to myself as I read these awesome articles... are you *sure* you're part of the Gawker media conglomerate? You guys are way too awesome.

This is great, but the best thing about the infographic is that the Enterprise is described as 'In Development.' :)

There was a thought experiment that I heard (Or thought of?) when I was young, that pops to mind every once in a while:

I liked the clip a lot. The second half, with him swinging along the road, is what Spider-man really feels like.

I think I'm in love... Tri girl and a comic fan? Nice!

Those are litterally the only 2 other movies I'm looking forward to.

And because the film was already 2.5 hours long?