A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Britney Spears strikes again. 

I read that “between 10 and 14" thing and, like many of you, immediately said “well, what are Black people even complaining about then?”

I’m sure many people would say we gain justice by holding him accountable for his crime, but what we really gain is another addict off the street and away from “polite” society. Out of sight, out of mind, and our fetishization of “personal responsibility” is satisfied.

Ants can’t appreciate Taylor’s brilliance, though. 

“The bonus is that we can empty our obscenely full prison system and have plenty of room for all of the treasonous insurrectionists in the Republican Party, the really dangerous criminals.”

The DA can slap a third degree murder charge or whatever on these guys and probably make it stick, but in the end this is a case of people selling drugs to an admitted drug user. Simon seems to understand that Williams knew the risks. Nobody was an innocent bystander here. And while that doesn’t absolve the people who

Dealers are a symptom of the disease, not a cause. 

It doesn’t seem like the prospect of doing time is providing much deterrent to people cutting shit with fentanyl, though. Is punishment and incarceration really the only good answer? Or is it the cheapest, most convenient answer?

Addicts are never going to get safe, effective treatment en masse in the US for one simple reason--nobody wants to pay for it. 

Putting aside the debate on the decriminalization of drugs, what do Americans want the function of prisons to be? Because it seems like the actual function of prisons in the US is to, first and foremost, punish any and all offenders. And increasingly for profit! Why not?

Why you gotta be so mean? 

I will not rest until there actually is a Metropolitan Museum Of Taylor.

It's hard to believe she's still slumming it over on that 911 show.

Yeah, I don’t have a problem with people feeding rapists and other criminals to the Internet Outage Machine. But misogyny is not a crime and publishing private texts that can damage a person’s reputation (even if they’re not “explicitly named”) seems...harsh. It’s not a public service announcement, it’s revenge.

It tracks. 

It can be two things! 

Taylor Swift is an anti-hero like Donald Trump is a brilliant captain of industry. 

Millions of people care...deeply. And her power only continues to grow. 

...and ArgieBargie was never heard from again. 

I strongly feel that anyone who thinks the giant hand thing isn’t funny is a humorless scold. But in the spirit of friendly debate and discussion, I urge any humorless scolds to share what does make them laugh.