A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Who'd you hear that from? I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another. 

Is the house okay? 

Yeah, spat out of his ween. 

Walk it off, Depp.

Stop, I can only get so erect. 

Yeah, I appreciate what you're saying but the 1975 fucking blows. 

Thank you, it's nice to be recognized. 

With lethal force, applied judiciously 

What, so we should only hire Klingons to apply Klingon makeup now?! I don’t know about that. Makeup seems like something a Romulan petaQ would use! They are without honor. How I yearn for an opportunity to slay a Romulan in combat...it would be glorious! My blade would sink deep into the flesh of my enemy, and all

Next up for Snook: Marvel movies!

I don’t like the show—it’s just not funny. I don’t particularly care if others do. I can see the appeal, I just don't personally get it. 

“On The Waterfront.”

That was a good hard take you gave. 

I’d forgotten all about it, George, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?

4 million?

You know who else has a big, worldwide brand?

Who cares? I just want to know what John is doing with that caterwauling, weird artist lady! What do the other lads think of her? 

My job sucks too. Management blows 

That's a perfectly crownulent word. 

Caretaker? I don’t think Charles has ever pulled a starship clear across the galaxy via displacement wave.