A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Where's Ollie Cromwell when you need him, am I right lads? 

The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: "Hey, do you have any of those ones with the pink frosting on top?" 

You have nothing to lose but your sprinkles!

Well, actually....I'm taking my ball and going home. 

They're still working out the kinks. 

Mmmmmm...solidarity donuts 

Writers’ strike or no, The Daily Show needs a full time hose they can rely on. It can make or break a lawn during the summer. 

Has anyone considered the corporations’ feelings in all this? Think of all the lost profits! It’s a tragedy!

Uh, actually, that was the Season TWO finale, “Shades of Grey." I hope you get fired for that blunder, etc. 

Superhead, tell Bill Maher 'I’m coming for you, baby!' 


Well come on. She grabbed his phone. What, was he supposed to not beat the shit out of her? She made him do it! 

I thought Entertainment 360 closed down after Tom and Jean Ralphio spent all their money. 

The real problem, of course, is that anyone would want to watch this crap in the first place. 

I mean...that would certainly fit the definition of an excuse if he tried to use it. 

Top drawer! 

They're dead. So maybe? 

Don't sass me. 

I honestly don’t remember: wasn't Molly Shannon considered one of the more bland aspects of her respective SNL era? I know she's kind of an Internet darling at the moment, but I don't recall get being all that popular 20-25 years ago. 

I haven't watched SNL in years. I know these kinds of comments are greatly appreciated here, so you're welcome.