A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Puss in Boots TLW was ridiculously good. The whole time I was like, why is this so much better than it has any right to be? 

The AV Club of old would have made at least a variation on that joke. Sigh. 

Oh joy, more Anna Kendrick. 

The People are also able to requisition certain individuals' body parts, such as an eyebrow or an elbow.

The real crime is that show being canceled!

Was waiting for a punchline, it never came. 

I had a snarky reply all typed out that would have surely ruined your whole day, but...enjoy your damn show, no reason for me to be a jerk about it. 

I absolutely adore that song. They should have covered that and "Lady Madonna."

Finally, the prequel to Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home we've all been asking for! 

Doesn’t matter, he’ll find a way to chea—win!

Spanfeller won't pay for editors, you think he's gonna spring for a thesaurus? 

You're pretty fucked up, then. 

You didn't even come at me with a zany ITYSL quote? Shame on you. 

Damn, beaten to the punch.

It sucked. Terrible. But you know, fat suit, career comeback, come on. Gotta give the star something. 

Wow, they really biffed the Best Actor category. I like Fraser as much as anyone, but that was just bullshit. 

I might be the only person who thinks this show is utterly devoid of humor. It certainly thinks it's funny, though. Guess that counts for something. 

I don’t think Towelie is really that introspective. 

You mean Ernie? 

“Dead weight," Jim Spanfeller replied.