A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Have you heard about our real Lord and Savior, Taylor Swift? 

Well, they’ve been wrong, they’ve been down. Been to the bottom of every bottle.

That picture makes me want to put my foot right up someone’s ass, just like old times.

Whitney was way better. Fight me 

Ask Peter Scolari.

Also a cartoon rabbit of ill repute. 

He once got busy in a Burger King bathroom, I hear. 

Cousin Larry busted up his nose or something on Perfect Strangers. Apparently Balki ain't shit. 

Yeah! Burglary is good exercise and hey, free stuff! But I’m not getting out of bed for anything less than grand larceny. 

“During some war...one of the big ones, probably."

Tinnitus is a bitch. You know I have to sleep with a fan on.

Finally, men get a chance to shine! 

Meanwhile, when I burgle and commit larceny, I have to go to jail like a schnook. It’s almost as if the American justice system isn’t as fair as my civics teachers suggested. 

wtf is Britbox lol

Did Mike White just...lay a clutch of eggs? 

I don’t think I can even describe the feeling of absolute joy I experienced when I saw this. It’s like I just won the lottery as I ate a really good piece of pizza...while climaxing. It’s all gonna be okay.

Ginger is far more subversive than he has any right to be, and that's all Bamford. 

As soon as you’re born, they make you feel small

Ehh, that don’t impress me much.

Why’d they call it “The Search for Spock” when they knew where Spock was, for the most part, and found him pretty easily when beaming down to the Genesis planet? Should have been "The Retrieval of Spock."