A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

I'm pretty sure that's a euphemism for sex with James Cameron. 

I’m eagerly awaiting the futuristic installment of the Yellowstone franchise, 2367. Everyone will get along and there’s no money.

James Cameron is not going to have sex with you, AV Club. Although I can't fault you for trying, he's sexy and rich. 

What does the cute widdle cat think, though?

Finally, the Worthingtonassance can begin. 

This movie has major crossover appeal with Avatar. Make it happen, Mr. Cameron sit! 


Pfffft. Wake me up when someone finally does a Star Fox adaptation. 

ugly dork filled corner of the internet"

Why are we talking about this? There's a new Avatar movie coming out! 

The epi where Geordi made out with Tomris Laffley on the holodeck was...something. 

You know Jim Cameron probably takes really good care of his dick, though. 

Truly, this is the movie “Don’t Worry Darling” could have been! 

I never want to see them but don't mind them when I do. Usually. 

I heard a rumor VP was Kirstie Alley. And by heard I mean started. 

I’m glad someone noticed, geez. Now that VolunteerProofreader has passed, the copyediting around here is going to shit. 

Tossed salad and watch out for that tree! 

This is a dangerous precedent to set. If anyone can be a director, ANYONE can be a director. If we’re not careful, we’ll have completely unqualified people directing films...like, say, Olivia Wilde. Can you imagine? 

I like how the word “reign” in the movie “Reign of Fire” had a double meaning, because of all the dragons. I literally died when I saw the title. 

No shit, right? I take a 5mg maintenence dose of prednisone daily, and I'm not even close to shredded.