A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Tim Roth did a great job, but it would have been nice to see Samuel L. Jackson fucking up Depp with some truth. 

All right, but at least in this particular obituary the author didn’t need to crowbar the mention of her political views into the article the way he did. He could have at least done it organically, and maybe not have forgotten to mention Alley’s involvement with Scientology. That was far more important in her personal

Say what you will about Kirstie's politics, but I would have let Saavik pilot my starship out of Spacedock, if you catch my drift. 

I seriously had no idea Kirstie Alley was this contentious. I knew she was a Scientologist, but aren’t we all when it comes down to it? 

Why would the Five Year Mission era Kirk be upset about Saavik's death? He won't even meet her until 2285. Come on man, get real

You get beat up a lot as a kid? 

Fine, I'll ask. Who the fuck is going to read or care about what some conservative asshole thinks about Bette Midler, Joy Behar, or literally anyone after they’ve died?

I object to that clearly derogatory cat comment. If cats could read, their comprehension would be excellent. 

Are you as turned on as I am? 

I'm pretty sure your mom was the Cookie Monster gimmick account. 

I think Diane was the better character, but Rebecca was funnier. 

...unleash a coordinated terror campaign with cops on the church payroll? 

Who was she? Oh my God, she was VolunteerProofreader, wasn't she? What are we going to do now? 

It’s not a meteor; it’s a cookie wand. Me and Jeff made it because it made you look more like the Cookie Crisp wizard, which is not even a reference I get because the Cookie Crisp mascot when I was growing up wasn’t a wizard. It was a burglar!"

I don’t even own a TV. 


It’s a weird, glaring omission, whether a judgment is attached to it or not. It’s like penning an obituary of Gandhi and not mentioning he was a pacifist. It's not the only thing he's known for, but it's a pretty big one. 

Go home, Cliffy. 

The author’s comments on Alley’s Trumpy political views are, at best, awkwardly placed. I mean, if a writer is going to condemn someone’s views in an obituary, that’s the writer’s choice. There’s no rule that says obituaries have to be mini-hagiographies. But you know, if you’re going to talk shit, don’t just post

Well, this is sad news. She was absolutely revelatory in Cheers...the 2nd half of that show wouldn't have worked without Alley.