A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

By far 

You just kissed ten years of Oscars attendance goodbye, Mister! 

Definitely not the fault of the actress. They should have sent her home because making people work when they're obviously ill is fucking ridonkulous. 

This isn’t a “let’s get outraged over people being irresponsible with COVID” thing. This is a “let’s get outraged over our insane work culture and how time is money in nearly every workplace in America” thing. Sick people shouldn’t be working. That’s true even in a world without the ‘rona. But here we are.

Oh, you like it. 

I mean, they weren’t fired. But okay.

Honestly. I mean, it’s salacious gossip and that is what it is no matter what time period you’re in. But people acting like the very mention of infidelity (which this is arguably not even an example of) is making them want to fetch their fainting couches is just ridiculous. Mind your business and don’t worry, society

The phrase 'a fine mist on Strahan’s pelvis” is pure poetry, and my only regret is that I have but one star to give. 

Why do you think Conan and Andy had such sizzling chemistry over the years? 

Almost like people don’t feel like waking up and having infidelity shoved down their throats every morning.”

And I've learned that the real abuse allegations were the friends we made along the way. 

Ehh, so what. More time to smash, am I right?

Well, this review is a real slap in the face.

This is the worst time for cinema in history. There’s no movie stars anymore, it's just Avatar this and Avatar that. 

I got some looks when I said that at my grandmother's funeral, but when you go Team Perry you're Team Perry for life. 

Hey, you can go your own way. 

Wow, what a bummer. She was an important part of rock history.

It's a little shameful, yeah. But life sucks so why not. 

Sir Patrick can white knight for me any day. He's Jean-Luc Picard, for fuck's sake. 

There’s no reason why Trek can’t be an action film franchise in theaters and more cerebral sci fi on TV. Viewers understand multiverses now, and will even more once Marvel gets through with us.