A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Helps to be thrown into a distant future that is conveniently similar enough to your present that you can acclimate without a problem. But if Discovery had stayed in the 23rd century, Burnham would have made captain. The writers were bound and determined to show all was forgiven.

James Spader sucks too 

I’m a very special idiot, actually. I didn’t like any of the SW sequel films. The biggest crime of TLJ in my book was being too long and boring. 

A Lower Decks show played straight would fit that format well. 

Right? Kirk saved Earth from the whale probe...not a simple task....and Starfleet still had to throw the book at him. Getting demoted from flag rank is not a small punishment, even if it’s to put Kirk where he “belongs.” Whereas Burnham, busted down to nothing, is reinstated to her full rank after her Klingon war, uh,

I'm from Iowa, but I work in outer space. 

You absolutely can, yes. See also The Last Jedi, Ghostbusters 2016, etc. 

I honestly think a lot of Discovery's problems--the overearnestness, the Burnham worship, the bridge crew that exists for reaction shots--would go away if the seasons were longer and the episodes less serialized-plot heavy. Of course, then there would be all new problems to deal with, so. 

Mario sounds like Tony Soprano in my head. 

TV's Hunter? 

I wish Zack Handlen and Mike Vago were here to weigh in. Remember Zack’s Trek articles? They brought glory on all of our Houses. If anyone will feast with the honored dead in Sto-Vo-Kor, it's Zack. And my old warrior cats. 

Wahhhh! Chris Pratt doesn’t sound like MY Mario!!! This is gonna flop because me and all my thirty year old childless friends are NOT going to see this!!!

God, I want to go full Elmyra on this cat

My work friendships usually end up like this.

Right. I think SMG does a good job with what she’s given—she’s improved by leaps and bounds since S1—but Burnham is a terrible main character. It might not be so bad if they actually fleshed out the bridge crew and gave them standalone storylines. But they don’t, and won’t, because they’re always so fixated on the

I honestly wish my dad had said this to me, Red’s best line:

I still haven’t forgiven Q for his role in the mid-air collision over Albuquerque a decade or so ago. What purpose did taking those lives serve? To shake us out of our complacency? 

Cats were AfterMASH’s biggest demographic. Cats. Love. Klinger.

Yeah. Take Kodos the Executioner. He may have had some extreme methods in dealing with a planetary famine, but the colony survived. Can’t exactly be Kodos the Lifesaver in that scenario.