A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

“a self-negating puff of nothing”

My favorite! 

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first movie (haven’t seen the second), but I think Boseman should have won an Oscar for his role. He really was that good. Best MCU actor by far. 

Whatever happened to the open threads? Much as I like talking about rich billionaires who are more plastic than flesh, I would also like to talk about what I ate for Thanksgiving with my AV Club cohorts. 

A sex tape is a weird thing to play while you're vacuuming, but you do you. 

You've been so grumpy ever you got your Quantum MD. 

I told you, we don’t follow Robert’s Rules of Order here. We work by the “Klingon High Council Guidebook...to Legislative Glory!” If you want to second a motion, you must assault the warrior next to you.


Hey, I resemble that remark. But I don’t care about the Kardashians.

Better than the month the top half of Justin Long's stupid face dominated the site. 

“Mother!” surprised the shit out of me, but I'm not sure that's in the Family Cinematic Universe. 

And why is Keanu Reeves still allowed to roam the planet so freely?! 

Well I mean...when I’m in an existential crisis, wondering why I’m here and whatnot, I often find myself annoyed by the various armed robberies and attempted murders that often occur in my vicinity. So it works. 

Yes. It’s like Project Runway. If you make good clothes and are an interesting personality, you are in. If you don’t and you aren’t, you are out. Auf Wiedersehen. 

Maybe less pro-fascist than anti-Democrat. I suspect if most of the red half of America had to actually live under a Republican fascist regime, they’d hate it.

Yes, a family of humble boutique owners...whose paterfamilias was a high-powered OJ lawyer. Just like common folk, those Kardashians. 

How come no one ever wants to talk about the brutal Kardashian occupation of Bajor? 

Oh great. Another movie that could have been about cool superheroes, but is all about stupid regular people and their stupid feelings instead.

Planes, Trains, Automobiles, and the EMP That Ended Modern Civilization 

The SHABCU was king in the 80s.