A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

I’m a 90s kid, and that belonged way further down the list. Giving all the top spots to the classic rock acts would have looked bad, I guess.

I think William Joel could live to be 2000 years old, with a #1 hit every year, and nothing would ever match the time he got to play piano on “Let It Be” with Paul F’ing McCartney.

No question. 

Oh good, the King of Meh is starring in a meh remake. Meh. 

When I asked my wife if Zootopia awakened anything in her, she said “you mean the tiger on the bus?” a leeetle too quickly. Her subsequent denials of furryism notwithstanding... 

I guess you can say she was...

Sodomy, or "things Christians want to do but can't, because their wives aren't into it."

Cool, can you explain to my nieces why their mothers’ marriage isn’t traditional? And why any reaction to that is “on them” and not on the bigot?

Well said.

Oops there it is 

Those Proverbs, they knew their shit. 

Did you actually dismiss my reply or did it get eaten? 

So no one should be offended by anything, right? 

I call the Barsantimobile! 

Yeah, we love our bigoted nutjobs here at the AVC. 

My question is, who would cast a 6'10 NBA Hall of Famer to play a disabled teen nerd anyway? 

What about “it” bothers you so much? Do you consider gayness inmoral? Disgusting? Because it’s hard to discuss this with someone who feels that way.

An assoraptor. 

*Toilet flushes, audience goes wild*

Hate the sin, not the sinner. Unless, you know, they’re really flamboyant or try to act equal to you.”-- Matthew 34:69