A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Well, I'm complaining, and I'm not LGBTQ. As someone stated more eloquently down or up thread, CCB and the Great White Nationalist Network could have gone about their business without making it a point to insult and deliberately exclude a group of people. They brought this outrage on themselves. 

Yeah, you know, absolutely. Because television is just chock full of gay stories, gay characters, gay everything. Or you're just a bigoted moron. 

Bigot says bigoted stuff, story at 11

Hey, Big Chunks is my gay porn name.

Black elves seem...problematic. 

Yeah, Candace! Don't back down! If tolerant people aren't tolerant of my intolerance, well, they're not really tolerant, are they? Yeah! I am very intelligent! 

When a person says they are focusing on "traditional marriage," guess what they're saying? People have a right to be a little offended by that. 

I just realized that both Kurt and Candace have lost their TV dads, who were incidentally both way cooler than them. 

VolunteerAgnosticProofreader here:

I shot your dad in the head at one play. One effing play. Must I never hear the end of it?

This gay stuff is usually just a phase, right? 

I think that whenever you comment, someone should say “Hey, that’s Slander!”

“God loves everyone, and I do too. But ew, homos, right?"

The Christian Persecution Complex is integral to the success of their religion. Long after Christianity became far more powerful than the Roman Empire ever was, Christians have been clinging on to the idea they're some sort of persecuted minority. It's like a powerful CEO utilizing being bullied as a toddler to get

Oh, absolutely. “THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS TURNIN OUR KIDS INTO GAYS, Y’ALL. Now they have their own network for their grooming!”

But...but her religious freedoms give her the right to marginalize and exclude people she thinks are icky! You know, like when Jesus told that whore Mary Magdalene to hit the bricks. 

Sort of a redundancy, at least when talking about American fundamentalist Christians. 

She’s allowed to say what she wants, and the public is allowed to call her a bigot. If no one watches besides Christian fundies, the network fails. Then DJ ends up relegated to Fox News, complaining about how the liberal woke media censored her. Nope. Free market principles at work. 

That actually sounds awesome.