A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Trying it. Thanks.

Your mom will fucking riot if...ehh I'm too tired. 

Am I the only one for which this website is becoming practically un-viewable thanks to the ads roughly the size of V'Ger? Wait too long to post a comment, and your ass gets digitized. 

I got a Miss Piggy notification for this? 

Hey, Blue Bloods is no generic police procedural. It's straight up copaganda. Big difference. 

I'd rather go to the Mull of Kintyre, meself. 

Hah! Wow. 

I don't really want to taste this. 

The Office S2 and S3 is essentially sitcom perfection. The rest of the show fluctuates from okay, to disastrous, and then to Season 9. 


My wife would still love him. 

Ergh, I’m sorry to hear that, colostomy bags are most definitely not pleasant. I hope they come up with something better. 

I just wonder why David Schwimmer, as the largest male Friend actor, didn't etc. etc. 

Ugh, Jessica Chastain. The blandest bland that ever blanded blands again, blandly. 

Well, TGD already shamelessly ripped off a shocking ER moment, so it might as well start its own L&O-type TV universe. 

Three seasons and a TV movie! 


A sequel series to "Who's The Boss" is in production? Have we not yet settled this vexing question? 

That he made. 

Most humans don’t usually bring that abomination of a movie up, so it’s excusable.