A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Katie Rife is an unperson and talking about an unperson is doubleplusungood. 

I guess he really showed them the money.

I guess my issue is that Archer is all like “ka-kow” when Frisky Dingo is all like “KA-KOW!”



Yes, it’s much less sexual assaulty when there’s a mask on.

Shit like Murray straddling and kissing someone is why many women have to fear men, and that’s not okay. I don’t care if the guy is an asshole—that’s not a crime—but shit like this is. So Bill Murray needs to atone and stop doing this stuff. Unless he wants to be remembered as a sex criminal, I don't know. 

Oh good, those of us living in fictional coastal Maine towns can finally relax.

I loled

I think the preferred term is 'saucepan child.'

But dude’s got money and Xenu-ites in his corner, so justice will probably mean a cushy probation. 

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is generally a fairly chill god, but sex crimes?

I really hate the cliché of “fat, oafish husband with unrealistically cute wife is BAD BAD BAD and completely fictional.” It’s remarkable in this day and age that this is considered okay to verbalize so openly. Oafishness/weird male entitlement/abusive behavior, yes. Those are bad traits for anyone to exhibit,

Not that the dude who played Kevin didn’t do a bang-up job of playing...Kevin, but Kevin James really should have lobbied for the role to apologize for what he did to Erinn Hayes. I bet he didn’t even watch the damn show.

Busy, busy, busy. 

I wasn’t as into Nietzche as I should have been as a child. Remember Harry Stottlemeier from school? That was more my philosophical jam. 

I'm going to trick or treat in Olivia Wilde's neighborhood as a process server. 

They call him...the Slideshow Killer. 

Wait, what other big church did that? 

She’s just adorable.