A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Ugh, Unification is just so...inert. The only good part is when Picard is trying to sleep and Data is straight up trolling his ass.

You're right, this epidemic of children transitioning without their parents knowing must end! How many more parents have to watch little Jimmy get on the bus and come off the bus as little Jenny? Will it take another Bowling Green Massacre for you libs to see the truth? 


Ribsy doesn't care about Black people 

And they also believe Jesus was a white Anglo-Saxon capitalist somehow transported to 1st century Israel...and then killed by Jews.

If Ye read books, he might discover Jesus Christ was a Jew.

It was in quotes, so maybe Fox messed up and AVC is just doing some accurate reporting.

My favorite Christopher Lloyd performance:

I'm so excited, so after it airs I'll undoubtedly be disappointed. It's Picard. 

So does Kevin fuck himself or what? 

My penis can fill a whole tallboy, that's why. 

Pretty sure that was Jezebel. 

There’s literally no string there. Your eyes deceive you. 

Fuckin' helium, how does it work? 

Uh, well...you’ve singlehandedly made my mom’s OnlyFans account profitable. Just sayin.

I'm technically an adult, and Trix is a great cereal and a healthy part of this complete breakfast. Halloween can go fuck itself. People with kids just call Halloween "work."

Not with ANY attitude. 

Justin Long knows life is short. 

I got a Notification in my community for this?