A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

There was an article?

I definitely think Gadsby is compromising her principles here. Even if Netflix is giving a platform to genderqueer voices, they’re still giving a platform to transphobia...and not making any effort to rectify the situation beyond giving a voice to the other side. Not good enough.

I see what you did there!

If they ever want to make a movie about an obese (but not morbidly so anymore), ugly, stupid loser of a failure straight dude, I better be on that call list. That’s the role I was born to play. 

Or you didn't audition, I suppose. 

Come on, Uncle Kelbo. Do better! 

The only thing more valuable than money is appealing to one’s ego. Giving Gadsby these opportunities was pretty genius.

If people watch it and like it, who gives a shit? If you don't like it, don't watch it. Isn't that what all of Chappelle's supporters said? 

Netflix already had a history with Gadsby in which she released two popular specials that presumably made Netflix money. What do you really think Netflix’s motivation is here? To give genderqueer voices a platform or to make more money off a proven commodity? Come on.

I don’t blame her for wanting to get paid, but all rationalizations aside—she sold out. It doesn’t make her a terrible person or anything, but she’s definitely ceded some of the moral high ground here.

You didn’t pay me nearly enough to deal with the real world consequences of the hate speech dog whistling you refuse to acknowledge, Ted.”

When the author of Snored of the Rings is gulping with disbelief—despite being dead—that’s a sign.

It's gonna suck when Olivia Wilde is up there clutching her Best Director Oscar, acting so surprised and humble. If it won't be for this movie, she'll get one eventually. I have a feeling she always gets what she wants in the end. 


She’ll bring the baby to Alicent herself, even if that means expelling her afterbirth while her maids are helping her into a dress.”

I love this show like any normal person, but 13 years is a long time. At this point, what else can the show say?

Hello in there, dudebra. Tell me, what color is the sky in your world?

At first I was thinking, wow, I’m surprised this movie made any money at all. But then I thought, Harry Styles is in it! It’d be like if Justin Bieber had been in a movie in 2010 or whenever he was really big! HIS FANS ARE DRIVING THE TICKET SALES! Finally I was like, why am I putting this much thought into a movie

My slideshow? Trant’s in it.

You're an asshai!