A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

I feel like I’ll just cut out the middleman here and watch Magical Mystery Tour again.

If he was really cool he’d play GoldenEye with me on the N64, so I could waste him with the Golden Gun.

See also: The Nostalgia Critic 

Google Images does it again! 

It's true, I was just referring to the events of "The Naked Now" in which her character has sex with Data. It wasn't funny to begin with, and now it's even less so. 

It sure is! 

I knew this whole menstrual cycle thing was just an excuse! 

Hey, another show she can not win Emmys for!

But obviously he must care about auditioning for the role of Mark Twain...should one open up.

I’d root for Lil Nas X over Styles any day. Lil Nas X is clearly awesome and a master troll; Harry Styles is essentially a human dildo.

Keep your mouth shut. You’re squawking like a pink monkey bird. 

When I think of Nately from Catch-22, I think of Art Garfunkel.

Probably the only time I've rooted for the Nazis to win. 

If I ever break into action films--and I most assuredly will--I will remember to thank Bob Odenkirk. How the slimy agent from Larry Sanders went to starring in an action film is beyond me. 

Yeah, pissing off Ron Howard's kid seems like a great power move. I’m sure those studio execs are mopping the floor at Burger King now. It's a wonderful restaurant. 

I’m pretty sure Denise Crosby left TNG in the first season (spoilers, her character was killed by an sapient oil slick) because she found out Brent Spiner was, uh, “fully functional.”

Uh, I’m fairly certain it WAS Franklin Pierce. Remember the episode where he signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act and Chang was hanged in effigy? 

She’s the character that works least for me. Maybe I’m too far removed from the setting.

I can't imagine either performer was intentionally trying to do anything wrong. I would certainly hope not...but wrong is wrong and this was pretty effing wrong. Since Spears seems to be staying mum on the subject, I think Haddish's best bet is to be REALLY apologetic, donate to some charities, maybe do a PSA or two,