A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Hot Take Alert:

Honestly, I got a little caught up in the blue people, weird ponytails, and magic trees. And the mind transference, if I'm remembering the movie right. I think the hamfisted allegory slipped right by me. 

I just really detest the Savage Bros. in general, but your enthusiasm for the show makes me want to reconsider my stance. 

I don’t see how you can listen to the podcast and not come to the conclusion Syed did it, although apparently many did exactly that. I also don’t know how you can listen to the podcast and not come to the conclusion Syed is hiding something and is very good at manipulating others, but apparently that just makes me a

Yeah, I mean, obviously. Because everyone who is suspicious of Adnan Syed or who finds him manipulative is a racist. 

That’s a fair criticism, and I regret not including it. In the end—whether Syed is guilty or not guilty, or whether he was even involved or not—the police and the prosecutors failed Hae and her family with their ineptness and corruption. In the end, this is on them.

Using a picture of Don’t Worry Darling cast members as click bait for an article barely concerned with the film? That's worth a standing ovation in and of itself! 

It's really no big deal. I could be wrong, the guy could be a saint. And even if I thought he was Snidely Whiplash, he still didn't have a fair trial. 

It seems that there really is no grey area in the Syed case. On the Internet at least, people either fiercely believe he’s innocent or fiercely believe he’s guilty (and I don’t mean those terms in the legal sense). Say "who the hell knows" and you'll likely get ridiculed from both sides. 

And Alec Baldwin should never have the job.

Very apropos typo

Well said 

Syed's evasiveness is something he's maintained for 23 years. He's been admonished in open court for being manipulative. I'm not saying he's a criminal; he just comes off untrustworthy. But that could be the pressure of what happened/being in jail. That's all. 

The boat sinks. 

You only get what you give. 

I’m glad the article mentions how Hae’s family is getting lost in all this. It’s really Adnan Syed’s story now, which is a shame. A young girl died horribly and that pain will never heal for her family, I’m sure. But let’s be honest here, her murder will always be a footnote in a man’s story thanks to Serial.

Physical Graffiti, actually. 

My 90s cover band will be called Always Stuck in Second Gear. 

Justin Long knows Life is Short. Get it? Because his name is Long? Yeah, okay, you get it. 

I mean, some random jackoff from Jakku could have a lot of midichlorians; as far as I know, they’re not rare. They run in families, but maybe they're common enough that even little shithead broomsweepers have them.