A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

I'm like... 7 or 8 percent sure recognitions is Sean O'Neal trolling us for years of commenting bullshit. 

Calling being fired “sacked” is how you guys lost the colonies.

You realize, of course, that this is basically like telling a depressed person to just stop being depressed and feel better. Some people can’t just ‘be confident.’ Doesn’t work that way.

Laughing at myself is fine. Millions of people laughing at me isn’t.

Whenever I do anything stupid in public—or something gross, like picking my nose or farting- I worry some asshole is going to record it on their phone and upload it to YouTube.

They definitely don't allow for others' personal growth. 

Your opinions often seem at odds with the AV Club Wokerati—of which I am not a member. So it’s not a judgment on my part. I actually respect your opinions.

The A.V. Club

Mob speak is more like, “Take the gun. Leave the cannoli.”

I refuse to use TERF as a descriptor of someone because it’s academic technobabble (academababble?). I don’t know if Rowling is a trans ‘phobe’ because I don’t seek out her opinions on a regular basis. Is she transphobic? Maybe. Based on her concerns regarding trans women, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Kilcar sounds like Kickpuncher's cool talking - vehicle sidekick. 

That’s my understanding of it. I think Rowling is probably a generally decent person (but a shit writer) who means well and probably thinks she's fighting the good fight here. I hope for her sake she figures things out sooner or later. Manhood and womanhood are not diminished by trans individuals. It should be obvious

Contrarian viewpoint from the always reliable doublebutt, thank you. 

Ok thanks. 


JK Rowling...

Yeah, but the message often gets lost in the “kill yourself”-ingness of it all. It’s a crappy gimmick. Cookie Monster he ain’t.

No shit! That's always been such a stupid talking point. If a guy wants to get rapey in a women's bathroom, he doesn't have to go all Hanks and Scolari to do it. So ridiculous. 

Ha! Nerd.

How exactly is saying “trans women are women” a vague statement? Seems almost the opposite of vague to me.