A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

I don't know. It is a pretty bad video. Is it "Reichstag fire" bad? Maybe. Point is, you might have been on to something. 

Did Kokatu in Action get the banhammer? What a bunch of douchebags. 

Mitch McConnell has clearly been infected with the Section 31 Changeling virus.

I’m jealous. Hey, is this person related to the “kill yourself” guy?

In case you missed it, someone wants you to fuck off. And they think you're a loser. 

Now we'll never know. 

Kinda obligatory here. 

Sounds a little like Jersey. 

Holy shit. That’s brilliant. If she actually did that, you’d have to admit that’d be some fifteen-dimensional chess right there.

Avery Brooks.

Can anyone explain why we're supposed to be hating on the Chapo Trap House subreddit? It's an embarrassing hole in my knowledge base, I admit. 

Financially speaking, she sure as hell is. 

Hey Ms. Rowling, listen. Even if you think trans women are all straight up minions of the Devil, maybe you should shut the fuck up about it and quit trying to bite the hand that feeds you. Your fan base obviously thinks you’re wrong about this. Jesus Christ in a sorting hat, quit while you’re ahead.

I can't help but feel that if you were going to visit a subreddit like that, you were basically looking to get influenced (r/The_Donald had a reputation very early on). But your point stands. The world is a better place without that shithole. 

That's generally been this show's mantra from the start, though. I've yet to see an episode where I haven't rolled my eyes at least 80 times. 

Exactly right. This is otherwise known as the YOU'RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT form of wokerati excoriation. 

Yes. Chris O’Dowd should know that the “I was just obeying Kristen Wiig’s orders” defense was roundly rejected at Nuremberg. For shame.

Not that I’m a big Redditor or anything, but I never had an issue with subreddits like r/The_Donald. I never went there. I never would have, because I knew that only disgusting assholes posted in it. Therein lies the use of having designated human cesspools like r/The_Donald--it keeps the Nazi wannabes segregated in

Kristen Wiig's greatest trick was convincing the world she had any talent. 

Ehh. Nilsson Schmilsson.