A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

I'm sorry then. 

White male captains? Benjamin Sisko wants to yell at you theatrically. 

Every libertarian I’ve offered to make absolute ruler of the Federation has accepted.

Why can some of them fly and others can't? 

How dare you sir 

I don't think that either. I just don't think asking a question is grounds to label someone as a racist. 

I'm not comfortable with labeling someone a racist based on a single question. I assume you've gone through the person's posting history and can attest to their racism, so I'll just take your word for it. 

Then I hope your coffin has good insulation BEEYOTCH

Not at all. She was in Twilight? 

This is the same Academy that awarded Crash and that Green Book movie Best Picture. They make mistakes. 

So she’s a bit of a fixer upper

That’s a pretty well-known false equivalence, so I hope you’re just kidding. Ha ha! Classic Scarsdale Surprise. 

Thank you for this reasoned and measured explanation, delivered without calling the questioner a racist or worse. We need more like you, friend.

I think its greatest sin is that it’s boring as fuuuuuck.

Yeah, no thanks to statues of slaveocracy traitors. Gotta draw the line somewhere, even if it hurts the South’s feelings.

If we cannot provide objective, evidence-based testimony as to why we don't understand her appeal, I'm afraid we will have to recant our position and admit she is adorkably amazing. 

Excellent actor? No. Singer? No. But whatever, some people like her I guess.

Preach! How Anna Kendrick is famous is beyond me. 

What flavor of jello? 

A Jem’Hadar soldier vs. a T-Rex would truly be something to behold.