A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Believe me, you've earned the comparison. 

Who’s mad?

Thank God POCs have you to stand up for them. Paternalistic, sanctimonious tool.

Who appointed you arbiter of how people feel? Or judge over what constitutes an empty gesture or not? You sow divisiveness in the name of righteousness. You’ll never understand or acknowledge it, but you’re part of the problem.

Just because the right has coopted ‘virtue signaling’ does not mean that they now own the term. Allowing them to define the discourse is not something in which I plan to participate, either.

Trump is a walking id. No filter. He “tells it like it is.” The man is a living right-wing fantasy because he never plays nice and always seems to win.


Amen. You got it. Either be 100% ideologically pure, or don't say anything at all. What a way to build a movement. 

In other words, “no, not like that!”

Sure, it's silly and pretentious, but at least it's well intentioned. Not that it would ever be enough for some people, but whatever. 

He does have the "cold, dead eyes" thing going on. It's weird, because he seems like a genuinely good guy. 

99 percent of the time, virtue signaling is a right wing phrase to describe behavior the rest of us would call decent and well-meaning. Then there’s the other 1%. You.

Cool. I’m sure recognitions has his fans. I’m sure he and I even agree on a great many things. But although he and I may often see eye to eye, he is utterly incapable of nuance and mental flexibility. Although he’s definitely a fellow lefty, he’s also a moral Puritan and an often ridiculous scold. YMMV, of course.

lol nobody likes recognitions 

Are you a literal personification of the concept of virtue signaling? 

Genuinely bold move, alienating 3/4 of your listening base. Which conservative male country singer is going to release a response song celebrating the Antebellum South first?

Celebrities should know by now that they should never do anything, ever, and that it’s only okay to be performative if you’re replying to some random comment on the Internet. Duh.

Although let's be real, Pacific Blue was a great show. 

A hairdressing department that didn’t know how to work with black hair doesn’t sound racist, just stupid. If they refused to hire someone who knew the ins and outs of said hair, sure. But by itself, that particular accusation seems a bit overwrought.

Maybe he was just Chang-ing the subject.