A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

What is a Jim? 

That's enough out of you, Charles Miner. 


Your cat is apparently The Dude. That's fucking interesting. 

But they figured out the disrespect to women has got to be through. So kick off your shoes and relax your socks. 

I wish I could hang out with Ad-Rock and smoke weed. Once COVID-19 is defeated, of course. If I ever win the lottery, I’ma make that happen.

Or having Mel Brooks guest star as Alfred? 

Does every Batman/Woman get a bat mitzvah, or only the Jewish ones? 

Could you possibly have picked a less "I'm so vulnerable I can barely tie my shoes" picture? That's no Batwoman. 

The ears are supposed to be that way. 

I got a Community notification for—oh wait, that makes sense. 


These are the same people who think making fun of the disabled is the height of comedy, however. 

“Got to ask, why the Mandalorian armor?”

Shane Vendrell would be good, too.

Don't remind me. 

I’m afraid you’ve been taken in by some rather vile anti-Dominion propaganda. The Vorta cloning program has always been a shining example of the Founders’ genius...the occasional defective traitor aside...

Now let’s get Walton Goggins in there and we’ll be good.


The fact Space Hitler—who ate a sapient creature onscreen--is a fan favorite says a lot about Discovery and its fans.