A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

The Orville has more heart in a single episode than DSC has in its entire run. Say what you want about MacFarlane, but he’d run a Trek show a hell of a lot better than Kurtzman or that flaky hack Fuller. 

All these TOS era shows, and not one series about the glorious Dominion? An unfortunate oversight, I must say! 

It's you. 

Kurtzman is basically Roddenberry/Berman now. Dark days, indeed.


“I couldn't flip through Netflix one more time, so I though I'd come in here, get COVID-19, and pay way too much for a video rental."

You’re very invested in this. 

...he slimed me. 

I'm gonna have to wait and see what recognitions has to say before I reach any conclusions. 

You’re on the AV Club, son. You fail to mention Patton Oswalt at your peril. 

The King of Queens was a genuinely funny show that, for some reason, snobs simply could not abide. The biggest issue people seemed to have with the show was that the “slob” main character had a “hot” wife, which was and still remains a disgusting way to look at the world—basically, a skinny, beautiful woman would

Well it's kind of relevant now, isn't it? 

AJ fucking killed it at Mario Kart, though. Tony had to cheat to beat him. That was some fuckin’ bullshit.

The AV Club is always trying to create a little dysentery among the ranks. Fuck 'em. 

I didn't care about this when it was called Harry Potter. 

Use Your Illusion I was vastly superior to II. 

Snowpiercer is a dumbass concept. 

Cunnilingus and psychiatry brought us to this! 

It's a faaaaaaaaaaake! 

I once read Weird Al Yankovic’s entire oeuvre is a CIA black op. Trust no one.