A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

I got a NOPE notification for this? 

Was your mother Livia Soprano? 

Twist ending: that friend...was YOU 

I worked at a Movie Gallery for a while around 2000-2002. It sucked. The end. 

Not being able to sing the Step By Step theme song from memory doesn't make you cool, it makes you a monster. 

As the world turns, I spread like germs
Bless the globe with the pestilence, the hard-headed never learn
It’s my testament to those burned
Play my position in the game of life, standing firm
On foreign land, jump the gun out the frying pan, into the fire
Transform into the Ghostrider, or Six Pack
In A Streetcar Named



Have you ever killed a horse, by any chance? 

I'm disappointed this article doesn't mention the vital role meddling kids have played in unmasking imposters. 

Are race and gender remotely comparable? 

Luke's non-union Mexican equivalent? 

With all due respect to the esteemed Chancellor Palpatine, his plan to install chips in the heads of his clone troopers to ensure compliance strikes me as...risky. Is genetically bred loyalty not the far superior option? It’s no wonder the Dominion continues to thrive long after the Empire has crumbled into dust.

With Michael McKean as Savage Opress? 

I think Filoni is the closest thing to a truly creative force Star Wars has right now, but Ahsoka is his Poochie. He’s way too in love with the character (and no, he didn’t rastafy her nearly enough).


The scenes with the Emperor in Jedi are better than anything in ESB (besides the Vader/Luke duel). Yeah, I said it. Come at me. 

Sorry. I couldn't resist. 


Very sorry you had to experience what you did. And you're right.