A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

People are...oddly defensive about the swearing on this show (and Discovery). It’s not like I’m itching to argue with people about it, but some people get really upset if you criticize characters saying ‘fuck’ (particularly Admiral Clancy, i.e. the worst actress in the multiverse).

Where's Poochi--I mean, Ahsoka? 

Yeah, as if we're going to believe anyone besides Avery Brooks could play Hawk. 

What’s the big deal about Palpatine docking his Star Destroyer in a nubile young spaceport? I can see it. Hell, I’d like to see it.

Does Esther's mom know she vapes? 

It's called wishful thinking. 

wtf is Starz lol

Well, this should be interesting. 

Here’s a tip right back at you: when someone uses the word “libtard” in an non-ironic way, they’re clearly posting on a site like Jezebel to troll. Perhaps this is an erroneous assumption regarding your intentions.

I’m interested in hearing how men and women are unequal mentally. Like sure, they have different brain chemistry, but surely you don’t mean there’s a difference in intelligence.

This one gets me!

Seems like you're a little out of touch with your readers on this one, Jezabel. 

What makes it a bad thing? Or a thing worth criticizing?

Lincoln was emancipating before emancipating was cool. 

Oh absolutely. What's that expression about perfect being the enemy of good? Natalie did a good thing, full stop. She doesn't deserve a medal, but she doesn't deserve all this criticism either. Jesus, people just don't let up. 

Well if you’re looking for proof she’s a good actress, may I suggest a Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Portmanathon?

I appreciated your progressive (and sexy) gesture. 

Person does nice thing.

What is it with the wide open spaces of the American West that makes people go batshit right-wing crazy? It's like a disease out there. 

I hear she uses a komb to eat her klob salad.