
So you only fire men for such violations, because you’re coming off as incredibly sexist?

Being beautiful is such a burden, isn't it?

No, but then again, I don’t hang out in dives, so you probably have never met a guy like me. I’m the unicorn that women on Jezebel don’t think exists.

You’re still going to trivia night, at the bar, in your forties, and I have to grow up?!

But cynicism sure isn't! You sound like a catch.

Lol. What about my eggs!!

I think it’s fascinating that women believe they’re so desirable.

Some workers care very much about those boners.

Don't worry. Some day nobody will pay you any mind.

Mayen you weren’t paying attention. All the women quit because they get so emotional.

Yeah. Women never do anything awful. They’re perfect.

Make sure you keep going to singles bars and complaining about it.

Maybe you should have a talk with your ‘sisters’ who are receptive to that shit. Who cheat on their men with the same guys hitting on you. If it didn’t work, men wouldn’t do it.

What kind of shitholes do you hang out at??

Why do you hang out at SINGLES bars???

Sure. If you're paranoid.

As long as you don't hold any of the women accountable.

Good thing you left.

Some women.

Well, it is infanticide.