
Yes because there is no surer way to get an Italian sports car than to dropkick a celebrity. 

RIP for a great kitteh

Why hasn't someone taken a sledgehammer to Debra Mesding's misshapen liberfuctard head???? That's what I want to see on NBC! Stupid fucking cheesy cunt sack of shit whore!!!!!!!!

Oobviously the author of this *cough *cough piece of journalism forgot his quadruple soy latte with a side of soy! Defending the steaming pile of feminazi propaganda just shows you have been neutered!

Cool, now I have to give it a try.

Wait! So the people who have been claiming that video games don’t cause violent acts are now saying that this game will cause violent acts...............make up your frakkin minds already!

Nor a discussion, she chimped-out and acted like a typical dindu and should have been shot up with thorazine and air lifted to Tanzania and left there!

Hell I would have shot the “dindu nuffin” for escaping the zoo!

Fcuck you and all women!!!!! As soon as science creates artificial wombs the purge will begin!

Oh lawdy no, I be done loosed my mind!

You can always go back to Afreeka where you be Kangz!!!!

I know this post is super late bit I just came across this article and I have to call BS! Battlestar Galactica wasn’t axed because of ratings, it was axed because of costs. They wouldn’t have to worry about no st if they didn’t waste it on horsecrap like reality shoes and those horrid CGI movies. Stargate Atlantis was

So he is guilty, who gives an F. She was a nasty, disgusting coal burner and therefore she deserved it!

Please send every single cent you have to this scheming whoredog! I love to see people go broke because of their innate stupidity.

Guns aren’t the problem! Letting anyone with the money buy guns is the problem. Who ever thought it was a good idea to sell semi-auto assault type weapons to 19 year olds should be beat with a bat. I am in favor of much, much more serious control over who can buy guns and what guns they can buy. I got a .22 long rifle

Wait I thought it was comic books or that demon rock n roll that causes youth violence. Me I blame the FBI who were apparently so busy colluding with the DNC, Obozo and the Hildabeast to bother looking into the reports given them that the shooter was an insane, armed asshole who planned to kill people!

What’s obvious is that like most game developers today you set unrealistic release dates and then sell games that are unfinished or chock full of bugs ala Skyrim. I miss the days of buying a game that is complete and is actually playable.

STFU you Hitler loving anti-Semite! I am so sick and f’ing tired of you leftist scum I want to kill all of you!

They were found to be offensive to women, blacks, alien hybrids, small dogs, owls and Rosie O’Donnell So Activision’s overly sensitive, butt-hurt individuals department decided to pull the programs.
