
Boohoohoo, poor mistreated middle easterners. If all the whiny, self-loathing SJW'S are so broken up over this they should just kill themselves. 

I would certainly not call it perfect but my only real problem with season 8 was it should have been a 10 episode season not 6 episodes. As far as Dany's villan turn only those who weren't paying attention to seasons 1-7 failed to get it.

I am all for retroactive abortion.....and I know who to start with.

Yes because there is no surer way to get an Italian sports car than to dropkick a celebrity. 

Oh my god someone called their cat tard, they should be boiled alive.......f'ing SJW ftards!!!

RIP for a great kitteh

With all of these new VOD services soon cutting the cord won't make a difference. 

Bad example, Nixon was being investigated for obstruction. Not money laundering, collusion or excessive flatulence. Mueller was hired to find evidence of collusion, his mandate was originally limited to collusion only. Now he is so far out of his mandate it is ridiculous. While I am not a Trump fan, don't like crooked

Why hasn't someone taken a sledgehammer to Debra Mesding's misshapen liberfuctard head???? That's what I want to see on NBC! Stupid fucking cheesy cunt sack of shit whore!!!!!!!!

Oobviously the author of this *cough *cough piece of journalism forgot his quadruple soy latte with a side of soy! Defending the steaming pile of feminazi propaganda just shows you have been neutered!

This is something Microcrooks has wanted for a long time now. They have never liked the public owning physical copies of their software, they tried to force people to rent their software once but that failed. Now you won't have squat and if you think games are expensive now just wait until this "new" way of video

Ssomebody needs a cookie, a woobie and a safe place! Hang in there scout the waaambulance iscoming!

They’re making a movie based on a toy from the 60's-70's.............Please tell me you’re joking!

Cool, now I have to give it a try.

Wait! So the people who have been claiming that video games don’t cause violent acts are now saying that this game will cause violent acts...............make up your frakkin minds already!

Evil people never think they are doing evil, so Google can absolve itself of any heinous acts.

So anyone who believes in strict equality between the sexes is an “MRA edgelord”...... Nice virtue signaling there soyboy, now go put a tampon in your ass so you can emphasize with women everywhere!

Nor a discussion, she chimped-out and acted like a typical dindu and should have been shot up with thorazine and air lifted to Tanzania and left there!

Hell I would have shot the “dindu nuffin” for escaping the zoo!

Fcuck you and all women!!!!! As soon as science creates artificial wombs the purge will begin!